Cairo.. the largest city on the African continent and home to the last remaining ancient wonder of the world. So many people dream of standing in the shadow of the Great Pyramid, but the fear of unfamiliarity in a turbulent Middle East leave many tourists asking the same question.. is it safe? My name is Ricky Moreno and I’m gonna show you the most popular tourist attractions in the city, and all the reasons why I love Cairo!
0:55 – Airport Arrival
1:33 – Tahrir Square
2:31 – The Pyramids
4:54 – Riding A Camel At The Pyramids
6:33 – The Citadel
8:29 – Al Azhar Park
9:12 – Call To Prayer
10:18 – The Egyptian Museum
11:53 – MUMMIES
12:35 – Entering A Tomb In Saqqara
15:21 – Nile River Cruise
17:26 – Khan Al-Khalili Market
19:11 – Ramadan..(read more)
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