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How to travel on a budget part 4

Following on with the budget travelling series, I wanted to talk about 3 tips I try following when planning my trips.

The first one is to actually explore doing a multi-city trip instead of one. I’ll probably make a separate video for this one but simply put, when the direct flight is too expensive, sometimes it’s actually cheaper to visit another city/country on your way in or from the destination. For example, for flights from or to western Europe, there are airports known for being a hub for cheap flights like Milan, London, Krakaw, Warsaw. And some of them are really cheap so even when taking into consideration the cost of your trip in that city, the overall price still remains cheaper than the expected.

Next, I nearly never buy flight insurance. Simply because the insurance price adds up and you find yourself paying 1.5 times more expensive flights for maybe one chance of ten of a cancelled flight or something. So unless you are buying a ticket for 500€+ or you are uncertain if you can make it, don’t pay extra fees for your flights.

And last but not least, if you have the privilege of being able to taking days off out of the classic holiday seasons aka august and late december, it’s always better to travel in normal, week, working days.

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